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Job vacancies

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PhD student position, Human Endogenous Retroviruses, Institute of Human Genetics, University of Saarland, Germany

The Institute of Human Genetics (Prof. Jens Mayer) at Medical Faculty of University of Saarland, Germany, is seeking a highly motivated predoctoral research associate (TV-L E13, 50%, 3 years) to study biology and clinical relevance of a HERV-encoded protease. The institute has a long-standing interest in the biology of ERVs and other mobile genetic elements.

The position requires completed scientific studies in a field of research directly related to the project to be conducted, i.e., typically a Master's degree in molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, or equivalents.

The full job posting may be found here:

Please feel free getting in touch with me in case of questions.

Prof. Dr. Jens Mayer
Department of Human Genetics
Building 60
Medical Faculty
University of Saarland
66421 Homburg

(Posted: August 2023)