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Fig. 1 | Mobile DNA

Fig. 1

From: Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of transposable elements in polychaetous annelids highlight LTR retrotransposon diversity and evolution

Fig. 1

TEs proportions in 14 Annelid genomes. The global TEs content of each genome (%) have been plotted against the genome size in Gb (right) and the superfamily composition of the mobilome have been plotted for each species (left). Punid - P. unidentata; Thebra - Thermopolynoe branchiata; Lepcla - Lepidonotus clava; Lepfim - Lepidonotopodium fimbriatum; Levpli - Levensteiniella plicata; Lepwil - Lepidonotopodium williamsae; Braseg – Branchinotogluma segonzaci; Pgras - P. grasslei; Harex - Harmothoe extenuata; Pefu - Pettitbonesia furcosetosa; Harful - Harmothoe fuligineum; Amedw - Neoamphitrite edwardsii; Harsp - Harmothoe sp.; Brasp - Branchinotogluma sp.

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